%%%off % Copyright: This file is part of the MMIX Supplement package (c) Martin Ruckert 2014 % File: 4.2.1/fmod.mms % Author: M.Ruckert % Title: Exercise 15, Subroutine Fmod LOC #100 PREFIX :Fmod: u IS $0 1. parameter s IS $1 $u$ unpacked e IS $2 f IS $3 fl IS $4 carry IS $5 for rounding w IS $6 t IS $7 %%%on :Fmod ZSN s,u,1 %\ut 1. Unpack.\\ Set sign. ANDNH u,#8000 Remove sign bit. SRU e,u,52 Get exponent. SETH t,#FFF0; ANDN f,u,t Get fraction part and INCH f,#10 \quad add hidden bit. SET fl,0 $u=\pm (f,f_l)2^{e-q}/2^{52}$. SET t,1023; SUB e,e,t %\foolit{q}\ut 2. Subtract \setfool.\\ BN e,0F Branch if $u$ has no integer part. ADD t,e,12; SLU f,f,t %\ut 3. Remove integer part.\\ SRU f,f,12 SET e,0 0H BZ f,6F Branch if $u$ has no fraction part. BZ s,5F Branch if $u$ is nonnegative. ADD t,e,64; SLU fl,f,t \ut 4. Complement fraction part.\\ NEG t,e; SRU f,f,t $(f,f_l)\is (f,0)/2^e$. SET e,0 $e \is 0$. NEGU fl,fl ^{NEGU+ (negate unsigned)} ZSNZ carry,fl,1 ADDU f,f,carry SETH t,#10; SUBU f,t,f $(f,f_l)\is 1 - (f,f_l)$. SET s,0 $(f,f_l)>0$. 5H INCL e,1023 \foolit{q}\ut 5. Add \setfool.\\ OR t,f,fl; BNZ t,:Normalize \ut 6. Normalize if not zero.\\ 6H POP 0,0 Else return 0.\quad\slug %%%off