%%%off % Copyright: This file is part of the MMIX Supplement package (c) Martin Ruckert 2014 % File: 2.2.5/pool.mms % Author: M.Ruckert % Title: Storage Pool %%%on avail GREG 0 List of available nodes poolmax GREG 0 Location of pool memory Allocate PBNZ avail,1F $\.C.\Leftarrow \.AVAIL.$ using 2.2.3--\eq(7).\lineref|allocate| SET c,poolmax ADDU poolmax,c,6*8 POP 1,0 1H SET c,avail LDOU avail,c,LLINK1 POP 1,0 \lineref|allocateend| %%% Free STOU avail,c,LLINK1 $\.AVAIL.\Leftarrow \.C.$ using 2.2.3--\eq(5).\lineref|free| SET avail,c POP 0,0 \slug\lineref|freeend| %%%off