%%%off % Copyright: This file is part of the MMIX Supplement package (c) Martin Ruckert 2014 % File: 2.3.2/ex13.mms % Author: M.Ruckert % Title: Exercise 13, Copy a binary tree using Algorithm C of 2.3.1 PREFIX :Copy: %%% p IS $0 rJ IS $1 u IS $2 q IS $3 r IS $4 t IS $5 %%%on :Copy BZ p,9F 1\bg{0} &\ut C1. Initialize.\\ GET rJ,:rJ 1 & PUSHJ u,:Allocate 1 &Create \.NODE(U). with $\.RLINK(U).=\Lambda$. SET q,u 1 &$\.Q.\is\.U.$. JMP C3 1 &To C3, the first time. %%% 4H PUSHJ r,:Allocate a &$\.R.\Leftarrow \.AVAIL.$. STOU r,q,:LLINK a &$\.LLINK(Q).\is \.R.$. OR t,q,1 a & STOU t,r,:RLINK a &$\.RLINK(R).\is \.Q.$, $\.RTAG(R).\is 1$. SET q,r a &\ut C5a. Advance.\\ $\.Q.\is \.LLINK(Q).$. LDOU p,p,:LLINK a &$\.P.\is \.LLINK(P).$. %%% C2 LDOU t,p,:RLINK n-1 &\ut C2. Anything to right?\\ BOD t,C3 n-1\bg{a} &Jump if $\.RTAG(P).= 1$. PUSHJ r,:Allocate n-1-a &$\.R.\Leftarrow \.AVAIL.$. LDOU t,q,:RLINK n-1-a & STOU t,r,:RLINK n-1-a &$\.RLINK(R).\is \.RLINK(Q).$. STOU r,q,:RLINK n-1-a &$\.RLINK(Q).\is \.R.$, $\.RTAG(Q).\is 0$. %%% C3 LDOU t,p,:INFO n &\ut C3. Copy \.INFO..\\ STOU t,q,:INFO n & %%% LDOU t,p,:LLINK n &\ut C4. Anything to left?\\ BNZ t,4B n\bg{a} &Jump if $\.LLINK(P).\ne\Lambda$. %%% C5B LDOU p,p,:RLINK n &\ut C5b. Advance.\\ $\.P.\is \.RLINK(P).$. LDOU q,q,:RLINK n &$\.Q.\is \.RLINK(Q).$. %%% BOD q,C5B n\bg{a} &Jump if $\.RTAG(Q).=1$. %%% PBNZ q,C2 n-a \bg{1} &\ut C6. Test if complete.\\ %%% STOU u,u,:RLINK 1 &$\.RLINK(U).\is \.U.$. PUT :rJ,rJ 1 & SET $0,u 1 &Return \.U.. 9H POP 1,0 &\slug %%%rt 2.3.2ex13.rt & (14n+7a+4)\upsilon + (9n-3)\mu %%%off PREFIX :