%%%off % Copyright: This file is part of the MMIX Supplement package (c) Martin Ruckert 2014 % File: 4.4/method2aa.mms % Author: M. Ruckert % Title: Program (4') ten9 GREG 10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10 $B^n$ n IS 9 %%%on SLU u,u,32 ADD u,u,ten9 DIV x,u,ten9 $x\is\lfloor (wu+10^n)/10^n\rfloor$. SET j,n-1 $j\is n-1$. 0H 4ADDU x,x,x ^{4ADDU+<4ADDU> (times 4 and add unsigned)} SLU x,x,1 $x \is 10x$. SRU t,x,32 STBU t,u10,j $U_j \is \lfloor 10x \rfloor $. ANDNMH x,#FFFF $x\is x \mod w$.^{ANDNMH+ (bitwise and-not medium high wyde)} SUB j,j,1 $j \is j-1$. PBNN j,0B Repeat for $n>j\ge0$.\quad\slug %%%off