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The MMIX Group at Munich University of Applied SciencesThe New MMIX Home PageSince September 2011, the MMIX group at Munich University of Applied Sciences maintains the new official MMIX home page. As Donald Knuth writes in his message from September 1, 2011:Therefore I'm extremely pleased that I can now "pass the baton" to the excellent group of MMIXmasters at Munich University of Applied Science.We feel proud and honored to have been given the task to set up and maintain mmix.cs.hm.edu, a comprehensive web site dedicated to Donald Knuth's MMIX processor. We appreciate any suggestions for improvements, corrections of errors, and encouragements (of course). Please feel free to write directly to Martin Ruckert, ruckert@cs.hm.edu (or see contact information below). MembersThe MMIX group is part of the Department for Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany. The group is headed by: ActivitiesAt our institution, MMIX is used since Fall 1999. Since then, all our computer science students take in their first year the course "IT Systems" which is based on the MMIX processor. "IT Systems" is a two semester introductory course presenting the basic interactions of hardware, application software, and operating system software. Students learn how software, broken down to the atomic level of machine instructions, is executed by hardware; how hardware features are used to support high-level features of software; how (and why) interaction and strict separation of application and operating system is facilitated by hardware; and what hardware support can be provided to support operating system specific tasks. It is neither a programming course, nor a course on computer architecture or operating systems (there are specific courses for all these topics) but a survey course touching all these subjects trying to present the "big picture" of how all these things connect to form a "Computer".One of the first Events we organized was the MMIXFest in October 2001, for those early birds, that were at that time working on and with MMIX. In 2002, we published Das MMIX-Buch. A summary of the lecture notes from the previous years, it is an introduction to computers in the spirit of our IT Systems Course, as well as an introduction to MMIX. Also a few publications reflect our experiences and make the results of our work available to the public.
ContactDie MMIX Gruppe
Hochschule München
Fax:+49 89 1265 3780
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