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MMIXAL Generates LaTex-type Output

This page describes an extension of MMIXAL that is able to generate (La)TeX-compatible output. Just start the assembler with the option -t texfile and it will produce a (La)Tex file that can be included into a a (La)TeX-document if you use the package mmix.sty. The current version has been prepared for german.sty, but the LaTeX-code inserted can be changed quite easily in the change-file. It can also easily be adopted to produce HTML-output!

Line numbers, Labels, Opcodes and the operands are formatted in the predefined formats (see mmix.sty). In a comment, you are automatically in (La)TeX-mode. However, if a line does only contain a comment, it must not start with "%"!

If you additionally use the -l option, then a simple symbol table is added to the TeX-file.

The downloadable zip-file contains: The change file to mmixal.w
mmixaltex.exe Executable compiled using cygwin gcc on win32 (requires cygwin1.dll)
euklid.mms Simple program that performs Euklid's algorithm
euklid.tex Generated LaTeX-file
mmix.sty Style-package
frame.tex LateX Frame file to include generated TeX-files (using german.sty). Asks for file to include - does not allow file names to have underscores or other special characters.
frame.dvi The resulting dvi-file


For correstions, suggestions or comments please reply to Axel Böttcher.

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