Y is a nonnegative constant, usually zero. If Y has the value zero, it can be omitted.
The instruction is used to negate $Z.
The value Y - $Z or Y - Z is placed into register $X using signed, two's complement arithmetic. An integer
overflow exception occurs if the result is greater than 263
- 1. (Notice that in this case MMIX works with the
"immediate" constant Y, not register $Y. NEG commands are analogous to the immediate variants of other
commands, because they save us from having to put one-byte constants into a register. When Y = 0, overflow
occurs if and only if $Z = -263
. The instruction NEG $X,1,2 has exactly the same effect as NEG $X,0,1)
The value (Y - $Z) mod 264
or (Y - Z) mod 264
is placed into register $X. NEGU instructions are the same as
NEG instructions, except that no test for overflow is made.
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