MMIX Sources

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MMIX Sources

Here you can download the MMIXware sources.

SVN and Web Access

You can browse all the available sources at Some additional repositories (mmixlib, util, mmoimg) are also at You can download individual files or entire directory trees by clicking the download buttons.

Further, the Windows executables page provides links to solution and project files for Visual Studio.

Latest Sources

If you want the latest MMIXware sources, that include bug fixes for all the bugs marked "fixed" on the Bug Reports page, look at

With git, you can copy the latest mmixware sources to a directory named for instance mymmixware using the command

git clone mmixware

Latest Release

There is a tgz file released by Donald Knuth on August 4, 2016, mmix-20160804.tgz and a previous release of MMIXware as of October 17, 2013. mmix-20131017.tgz.

For historic reasons there is also Version 1.0 of MMIXware as of August 31, 2011.


The latest sources include the following enhancements:
  • Silent option for mmmix

    The meta-simulator, mmmix, has a new command line option, -s, which starts the meta-simulator in silent mode. The simulator will run the given program without further interaction until a TRAP 0,Halt,0 instruction is executed. The meta-simulator will then terminate and return the low TETRA of register $255 as its exit code.

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